Outdoor Education

Outdoor Education is inclusive, builds confidence and encourages supervised and sensible risk taking. At The Old School Henstead we are committed to the learning opportunities that are to be found outside the classroom – as varied and challenging as those enjoyed indoors.

Our learning trail, dedicated nursery playground, trim trail, pond area and kitchen garden exemplify our commitment to ensuring that outdoor education facilities at The Old School Henstead are first rate.

Our broad range of outdoor education excursions support the range of educational experiences on offer. The whole school takes part in the Big Day Out – past trips have taken us to Cambridge and to the Capital. In the summer, Reception, Year One, Year Two and Year Three have outdoor days at Ringsfield Hall. Activities such as Forest School.

Our oldest pupils tackle the orienteering and coastal treasure hunt with a nautical theme, staying for two nights at the Warden’s Trust Centre.

For Year Six, the Leavers trip centres on Wales, with the programme geared to providing our boys and girls with the challenges and skills that will facilitate the move to Senior School.